Journal Publications
H.Y. Lee, M. Zhu, J.K. Guest, Topology optimization for multi-axis machining constraints using projection methods, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 390 (2022) 114464.
R. Behrou, K. Kirsch, R. Ranjan, J.K. Guest , Topology optimization of additively manufactured fluidic components free of internal support structures, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 389 (2022) 114270.
J.D. Carroll, J.K. Guest, Topology optimization of uniform thickness structures using discrete object projection, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 65 (2022) 271.
H. Xun, C. Shallal, J. Unger, R. Tao, A. Torres, M. Vladimirov, J. Frye, M. Singhala, B. Horne, B.S. Kim, B. Burke, M. Montana, M. Talcott, B.S. Winters, P. Frisella, B. Kushner, J.M. Sacks, J.K. Guest, S.H. Kang, J. Caffrey, Translational Design for Limited Resource Settings as Demonstrated by Vent-Lock, A 3D-Printed Ventilator Multiplexer, 3D Printing in Medicine 8 (29) (2022) 1-17.
A.W. Fischer, J.K. Guest, BW. Schafer, Topology Optimization of Steel Deck Building Diaphragms, Journal of Constructional Steel Research 191 (2022) 107186.
J.V. Carstensen, R. Lotfi, W. Chen, S. Szyniszewski, S. Gaitanaros, J. Schroers, and J.K. Guest, Topology-optimized bulk metallic glass cellular materials for energy absorption, Scripta Materialia 208 (2022) 114361.
S. Youssefian, J.A. Bressner, M. Osanov, J.K. Guest, W.B. Zbijewski, A.S. Levin, Sensitivity of the Stress Field of the Proximal Femur Predicted by CT-based FE Analysis to Modeling Uncertainties, Journal of Orthopaedic Research 40 (5) (2022) 1163-1173.
R. Behrou, R. Lotfi, J.V. Carstensen, F. Ferrari, J.K. Guest, Revisiting element removal for density-based structural topology optimization with reintroduction by Heaviside Projection, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 380 (2021) 113799.
H. Hooshangnejad, S. Youssefian, J.K. Guest, K. Ding, Finite Element Method-oriented Spacer Simulation Algorithm, FEMOSSA: A Patient-specific Predictive Model of Prostate-Rectum Separation for Prostate Cancer Radiotherapy, Medical Physics 48 (7) (2021) 3438-3452.
A.P. Torres, J.E. Warner, M.A. Aguilo, J.K. Guest, Robust topology optimization under loading uncertainties via stochastic reduced order models, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 122 (20) (2021) 5718-5743.
F. Ferrari, O. Sigmund, J.K. Guest, Topology Optimization with linearized buckling criteria in 250 lines of Matlab, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 63 (6) (2021) 3045-3066.
C. Luo, J.K. Guest, Optimizing Topology and Fiber Orientations with Minimum Length Scale Control in Laminated Composites, Journal of Mechanical Design, Transactions of the ASME 143 (2) (2021) 021704.
J. Xue, A. Farris, Y. Wang, W Yeh, C Romany, J.K. Guest, W.L. Grayson, A.S. Hall, T.P. Weihs , Electrodeposition of hydroxyapatite on a metallic 3D woven bioscaffold, Coatings 10 (8) (2020) 715.
E. Tromme, A. Kawamoto, J.K. Guest, Topology optimization based on reduction methods with applications to multiscale design and additive manufacturing, Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering 15 (1) (2020) 151-165.
A.W. Fischer, J.K. Guest, B.W. Schafer, Novel Building Diaphragm Layouts Generated through Topology Optimization, ce/papers 3 (3-4) (2019) 505-510.
R. Behrou, R. Ranjan, J.K. Guest, Adaptive topology optimization for incompressible laminar flow problems with mass flow constraints, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 346 (2019) 612-641.
S.H. Ha, H.Y. Lee, K.J. Hemker, J.K. Guest, Topology optimization of three-dimensional woven materials using a ground structure design variable representation, Journal of Mechanical Design 141 (6) (2019) 061403.
D. Pasini, J.K. Guest, Imperfect architected materials: Mechanics and topology optimization, MRS Bulletin 44 (10) (2019) 766-772.
A. Donoso, J.K. Guest, Topology optimization of piezo modal transducers considering electrode connectivity constraints, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 356 (2019) 101-115.
J.V. Carstensen, J.K. Guest, Projection-based two-phase minimum and maximum length scale control in topology optimization, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 58 (5) (2018) 1845-1860.
L. Salari-Sharif, S.M. Ryan, M. Pelacci, J.K. Guest, L. Valdevit, S. Szyniszewski, Damping of selectively bonded 3D woven lattice materials, Scientific Reports 8 (1) (2018) 1-6.
A.H. Kinsey, R. Behrou, J.K. Guest, T.P. Weihs , Critical heat dissipation length scales in fully dense thermite foils, Combustion and Flame 190 (2018) 432-440.
L. Valdevit, K. Bertoldi, J.K. Guest, C. Spadaccini, Architected Materials: Synthesis, Characterization, Modeling, and Optimal Design, Journal of Materials Research 33 (3) (2018) 241-246.
E. Tromme, V. Sonneville, J.K. Guest, O. Brüls, System-wise equivalent static loads for the design of flexible mechanisms, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 329 (2018) 312-331.
R. Arroyave, J.K. Guest, C.C. Seepersad, A. Tovar, Y. Wang, Design of Engineered Materials and Structures, Journal of Mechanical Design 140 (11) (2018) 110301.
S. Kuznetsov, J.K. Guest, Topology optimization of magnetic source distributions for diamagnetic and superconducting levitation, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 438 (2017) 60-69.
S. Hedayatrasa, M. Kersemans, K. Abhary, M.S. Uddin, J.K. Guest, W. Van Paepegem, Maximizing bandgap width and in-plane stiffness of porous phononic plates for tailoring flexural guided waves: Topology optimization and experimental validation, Mechanics of Materials 105 (2017) 188-203.
Y. Lu, Y. Yang, J.K. Guest, A. Srivastava, 3-D phononic crystals with ultra-wide band gaps, Scientific Reports 7 (2017) 43407.
L. Zhao, S.M. Ryan, S. Lin, J. Xue, S.H. Ha, T. Igusa, K.W. Sharp, J.K. Guest, K.J. Hemker, T.P. Weihs, Combining a distributed flow manifold and 3D woven metallic lattices to enhance fluidic and thermal properties for heat transfer applications, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 108 (2017) 2169-2180.
M. Zhu, Y. Yang, J.K. Guest, M.D. Shields, Topology optimization for linear stationary stochastic dynamics: Applications to frame structures, Structural Safety 67 (2017) 116-131.
Y. Yang, M. Zhu, M.D. Shields, J.K. Guest, Topology optimization of continuum structures subjected to filtered white noise stochastic excitations, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 324 (2017) 438-456.
M. Osanov, J.K. Guest, Topology optimization for architected materials design, Annual Review of Materials Research 46 (2016) 211-233.
M. Zhou, G. Allaire, G. Cheng, J. Du, M. Gilbert, X. Guo, J.K. Guest, R. Haftka, A. Kim, T. Lewinski, K. Maute, J. Norato, N. Olhoff, G.H. Paulino, T. Sokol, M. Wang, R.J. Yang, B.D. Youn, Special issue dedicated to Founding Editor George Rozvany, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 54 (2016) 1107-1111.
A.T. Gaynor, J.K. Guest, Topology optimization considering overhang constraints: Eliminating sacrificial support material in additive manufacturing through design, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 54 (5) (2016) 1157-1172.
Z. Li, J. Leng, J.K. Guest, B.W. Schafer, Two-level optimization for a new family of cold-formed steel lipped channel sections against local and distortional buckling, Thin-walled structures 108 (2016) 64-74.
L. Zhao, S.M. Ryan, J.K. Ortega, S.H. Ha, K.W. Sharp, J.K. Guest, K.J. Hemker, T.P. Weihs, Experimental investigation of 3D woven Cu lattices for heat exchanger applications, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 96 (2016) 296-311.
S. Hedayatrasa, K. Abhary, M.S. Uddin, J.K. Guest, Optimal design of tunable phononic bandgap plates under equibiaxial stretch, Smart Materials and Structures 25 (5) (2016) 055025.
R. Ma, R. Ma, J.K. Guest, Research on optimum design and construction process of tensegrity tower structures, Advances in Structural Engineering 19 (3) (2016) 409-419.
Z. Liu, W. Chen, J. Carstensen, J. Ketkaew, R.M.O. Mota, J.K. Guest, J. Schroers, 3D metallic glass cellular structures, Acta Materialia 105 (2016) 35-43.
Z. Liu, C.C. Jacques, S. Szyniszewski, J.K. Guest, B.W. Schafer, T. Igusa, J. Mitrani-Reiser, Agent-based simulation of building evacuation after an earthquake: coupling human behavior with structural response, Natural Hazards Review 17 (1) (2016) 04015019.
Y. Zhang, S.H. Ha, K.W. Sharp, J.K. Guest, T.P. Weihs, K.J. Hemker, Fabrication and mechanical characterization of 3D woven Cu lattice materials, Materials & Design 85 (2015) 743-751.
S.M. Ryan, S. Szyniszewski, S.H. Ha, R. Xiao, T.D. Nguyen, K.W. Sharp, T.P. Weihs, J.K. Guest, K.J. Hemker, Damping behavior of 3D woven metallic lattice materials, Scripta Materialia 106 (2015) 1-4.
S. Lin, L. Zhao, J.K. Guest, T.P. Weihs, Z. Liu, Topology optimization of fixed-geometry fluid diodes, Journal of Mechanical Design 137 (8) (2015) 081402.
A. Asadpoure, J.K. Guest, L. Valdevit, Incorporating fabrication cost into topology optimization of discrete structures and lattices, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 51 (2) (2015) 385-396.
Y. Yang, C.D. Moen, J.K. Guest, Three-dimensional force flow paths and reinforcement design in concrete via stress-dependent truss-continuum topology optimization, Journal of Engineering Mechanics 141 (1) (2015) 04014106.
J.K. Guest, Optimizing the layout of discrete objects in structures and materials: a projection-based topology optimization approach, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 283 (2015) 330-351.
A.P. Thrall, M. Zhu, J.K. Guest, I. Paya-Zaforteza, S. Adriaenssens, Structural optimization of deploying structures composed of linkages, Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering 28 (3) (2014) 04014010.
L. Dai, F. Guan, J.K. Guest, Structural optimization and model fabrication of a double-ring deployable antenna truss, Acta Astronautica 94 (2) (2014) 843-851.
S.H. Ha, J.K. Guest, Optimizing inclusion shapes and patterns in periodic materials using discrete object projection, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 50 (1) (2014) 65-80.
L. Zhao, S.H. Ha, K.W. Sharp, A.B. Geltmacher, R.W. Fonda, A.H. Kinsey, Y. Zhang, S.M. Ryan, D. Erdeniz, D.C. Dunand, K.J. Hemker, J.K. Guest, T.P. Weihs, Permeability measurements and modeling of topology-optimized metallic 3-D woven lattices, Acta Materialia 81 (2014) 326-336.
J. Leng, Z. Li, J.K. Guest, B.W. Schafer, Shape optimization of cold-formed steel columns with fabrication and geometric end-use constraints, Thin-walled structures 85 (2014) 271-290.
A.T. Gaynor, N.A. Meisel, C.B. Williams, J.K. Guest, Multiple-material topology optimization of compliant mechanisms created via PolyJet three-dimensional printing, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering 136 (6) (2014) 061015.
J.K. Guest, P. Draper, D.P. Billington, Santiago Calatrava’s Alamillo bridge and the idea of the structural engineer as artist, Journal of Bridge Engineering 18 (10) (2013) 936-945.
M. Jalalpour, J.K. Guest, T. Igusa, Reliability-based topology optimization of trusses with stochastic stiffness, Structural Safety 43 (2013) 41-49.
A.T. Gaynor, J.K. Guest, C.D. Moen, Reinforced concrete force visualization and design using bilinear truss-continuum topology optimization, Journal of Structural Engineering 139 (4) (2013) 607-618.
V.J. Challis, J.K. Guest, J.F. Grotowski, A.P. Roberts, Computationally generated cross-property bounds for stiffness and fluid permeability using topology optimization, International Journal of Solids and Structures 49 (23-24) (2012) 3397-3408.
M. Tootkaboni, A. Asadpoure, J.K. Guest, Topology optimization of continuum structures under uncertainty–a polynomial chaos approach, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 201 (2012) 263-275.
M. Jalalpour, T. Igusa, J.K. Guest, Optimal design of trusses with geometric imperfections: Accounting for global instability, International Journal of Solids and Structures 48 (21) (2011) 3011-3019.
A. Asadpoure, M. Tootkaboni, J.K. Guest, Robust topology optimization of structures with uncertainties in stiffness–Application to truss structures, {Computers & Structures 89 (11-12) (2011) 1131-1141.
J.K. Guest, A. Asadpoure, S.H. Ha, Eliminating beta-continuation from heaviside projection and density filter algorithms, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 44 (4) (2011) 443-453.
J. Leng, J.K. Guest, B.W. Schafer, Shape optimization of cold-formed steel columns, Thin-walled structures 49 (12) (2011) 1492-1503.
J.K. Guest, L.C. Smith Genut, Reducing dimensionality in topology optimization using adaptive design variable fields, International journal for numerical methods in engineering 81 (8) (2010) 1019-1045.
J.K. Guest, Topology optimization with multiple phase projection, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 199 (1-4) (2009) 123-135.
V.J. Challis, J.K. Guest, Level set topology optimization of fluids in Stokes flow, International journal for numerical methods in engineering 79 (10) (2009) 1284-1308.
J.K. Guest, Imposing maximum length scale in topology optimization, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 37 (5) (2009) 463-473.
J.K. Guest, T. Igusa, Structural optimization under uncertain loads and nodal locations, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 198 (1) (2008) 116-124.
J.K. Guest, J. H. Prévost, Design of maximum permeability material structures, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 196 (4-6) (2007) 1006-1017.
J.K. Guest, J. H. Prévost, Topology optimization of creeping fluid flows using a Darcy–Stokes finite element, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 66 (3) (2006) 461-484.
J.K. Guest, J. H. Prévost, Optimizing multifunctional materials: design of microstructures for maximized stiffness and fluid permeability, International Journal of Solids and Structures 43 (22-23) (2006) 7028-7047.
J.K. Guest, J. H. Prévost, T. Belytschko, Achieving minimum length scale in topology optimization using nodal design variables and projection functions, International journal for numerical methods in engineering 61 (2) (2004) 238-254.