A. Asadpoure, J.K. Guest, L. Valdevit, Incorporating fabrication cost into topology optimization of discrete structures and lattices, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 51 (2) (2015) 385-396.
Dr. Asadpoure is a faculty member in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. He received his PhD in structural mechanics from the Department of Civil Engineering at the Johns Hopkins University. His research experience and interests are in the field of computational mechanics with emphasis on stochastic modeling and optimization of complex systems and materials. Dr. Asadpoure develops design methodologies by incorporating advanced stochastic modeling and applied statistical methods into design topology optimization resulting in materials and systems with unprecedented performance. His research includes robust and reliable device/component/system designs considering a wide range of constraints in their manufacturing, vibration, stability and/or cross physical properties.