Reza Behrou

Computational Mechanics Engineer, Divergent Technologies


I am currently a Computational Mechanics Engineer at Divergent 3D Technologies. Previous to this, I was a Postdoctoral Research Scholar with Prof. James Guest in the Topology Optimization Group at Johns Hopkins University working in the area manufacturing constraints and computational design of fluidic and structural components, with additional work in computational modeling of advanced materials and components for coupled and uncoupled physical systems.
I received my Ph.D. from the University of Colorado Boulder and my doctoral dissertation was conducted under the supervision of Prof. Kurt Maute. My Ph.D. thesis was focused on the development of mathematical modeling and parameter identification methodologies for Lithium-Ion Batteries (LIBs). The research accounted for design optimization and various multi-physics phenomena and multi-scale effects that include the transport, electrochemical, degradation, cohesion and delamination, and mechanical models by the multi-scale Finite Element Method (FEM) and the Extended Finite Element Method (XFEM).

Research Interests

Computational Mechanics of Structural and Coupled Multi-Physics Problems
Design Optimization of Structural and Coupled Multi-Physics Problems
Numerical Methods for Analysis and Optimization of Coupled Multi-Physics Problems
Topology and Shape Optimization
Topology Optimization for Additive Manufacturing


Postdoctoral Scholar, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of California San Diego (2020)
Postdoctoral Fellow, Civil Engineering, Johns Hopkins University (2018)
Ph.D., Civil Engineering, University of Colorado Boulder (2016)
M.Sc., Civil Engineering, University of Colorado Boulder (2014)
M.Sc., Civil Engineering, Tarbiat Modares University (2010)
B.Sc., Civil Engineering, Tabriz University (2007)

Journal Publications

R. Behrou, R. Lotfi, J.V. Carstensen, F. Ferrari, J.K. Guest,  Revisiting element removal for density-based structural topology optimization with reintroduction by Heaviside Projection, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 380  (2021) 113799.
R. Behrou, R. Ranjan, J.K. Guest,  Adaptive topology optimization for incompressible laminar flow problems with mass flow constraints, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 346  (2019) 612-641.
A.H. Kinsey, R. Behrou, J.K. Guest, T.P. Weihs ,  Critical heat dissipation length scales in fully dense thermite foils, Combustion and Flame 190  (2018) 432-440.

Conference Proceedings and Presentations